Thursday, May 26, 2011

A swell nephew and some weird feet

We went to a grad party in Belmond, IA last weekend.  Congrats to our bright and talented nephew Cole!
Meanwhile on the home front, Michael has started physical therapy.  At his pre-7th grade checkup a few weeks ago, I mentioned that he walks rather strange and that I didn't think we could blame it on the development of a Cool Guy Strut 'cuz he's still a bit young for that.  Doc said she thinks it's flat feet and sent us for an evaluation.  He's got some arch exercises he's supposed to do daily and some hip stretch things Nate or I have to help him with a few times a week.
His right foot is worse.  You can see the insides of the ankles caving in.  In the second pic he's trying to lift the arches.

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Wow, Cole graduated... well that just makes me feel old.