Tuesday, June 7, 2011

winding down

Thursday is the last day of school, if you can even call it that - the kids seem to be going on field trips and to the park and watching movies every day this week.  A few weeks ago, Adrienne came home and announced she'd signed up to sing a song in the 4th grade talent show (tomorrow, June 8).  Madonna's "La Isla Bonita."  Who is this kid?  Maybe I brought the wrong bundle of pinkness home from the hospital almost ten years ago.  I didn't know she knew and liked any Madonna songs or was gutsy enough to voluntarily perform for 100+ kids.  Turns out one of the neighbor girls she plays with has been a musical influence on her.  Anyway, more power to her.  Carpe diem.  I won't be able to see her do it, though, as it's a kids only event.  That may be best for my nerves.

I guess it was 103 degrees today.  Ahhh, I like me some melty heat after a ridiculous winter and spring.

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