Monday, May 2, 2011

Name: Felix

Despite those snazzy name suggestions (thanks all) we stuck with Felix, which means 'fortunate, happy'.  We are over the new kitty moon 'cuz it's not so cute anymore when he jumps up on our kitchen counters 47 times a day.  Still, though, it's nice having this healthy and playful little beast in our house.

1 comment:

Tim Dorenkamp said...

Here's the quick cure for a counter-top kitty. Randomly place strips of scotch tape upside down (sticky side up) all over the counter top. Felix will go bonkers when he can't get that tape off his paws. We did that with our cats many years ago, and it seemed to do the trick. Just be watchful of breakables, since he'll probably be flailing all over the place. Keep you video camera handy, too. :)