Friday, October 1, 2010

homecoming week 2010

It's that time of year again.  Toilet paper sales are through the roof and kids are encouraged to look goofy by dressing up in a different theme each day of the week.  Seen here are Wild West Wednesday and Crazy Thursday.

Once again the flash exaggerates.  It's too bad their hair wasn't actually this bright.  A few kids pestered Nicky for wearing *gasp* pink in his hair.  Argh.  I guess silly school boy machismo is alive as early as 1st grade.  Well, I'll be darned if I raise any swaggering macho apes.  Anyway, Nicky is excited because he gets to have his first sleepover at a friend's house tonight, despite the fact that, as he put it, this friend has an "evil dog".  He's such a card.  He's really smart and sweet and unintentionally funny.

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