Wednesday, September 29, 2010

family tree project

We've been busy with school stuff the last few weeks.  Michael has had 3 or 4 projects already, including putting together a power point, a big poster, a presentation from notecards...bleh.  He's currently working on a genealogy assignment.  He made a family tree going back to his great-grandparents and interviewed great grandma Esther last night.  She grew up in a home without electricity or plumbing and walked 2 miles to school and back everyday.  She also remembers the advent of battery-operated radios, which Michael thought was cool.  He'll be researching Germany, where half or more of his ancestors came from.  I found this map of European ethnicities yesterday:
I thought it interesting that Germans and Scandinavians are in the same ethnic group, though I guess it makes sense.  I'm half Finnish from my dad's side, which is in a different group (Finland is the northernmost lime green country).  Anyway, I'm a nerd and find this kind of stuff fascinating.

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