Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lily the cute

We are puppy-sitting Lily the Yorkie-Poo for a few days. 
On our way to the park, she hitched a ride with Zach when she didn't want to walk more than a block.

Our 12 lb. cat Bruiser is intimidated by 3.5 lbs of puppy power.  Sorry for the unfortunate reference to the most annoying dog in t.v. history:

My own future little dog is tentatively named Sophie the Ridiculous.  I have 'threatened' Nate that with the kids growing older, I might lose my marbles and get a small dog to primp and coddle.  I used to be a fan of big dogs, but after having 4 babies I find absurdly small things to be darn cute.

1 comment:

Chris said...

My condolences Nate. Godspeed.