Tuesday, July 20, 2010

unwilling economy stimulators

We've been doing our part to stimulate the economy of the south-of-the-river suburbs.  Nate came home from work early on Friday so I could go to an orthodontist appointment to discuss financial arrangements for Adrienne's soon to be installed spacer.  He was also going to wait for our contractor to come pick up his final payment on the rebuilding/repair of the retaining wall that creates our side parking pad.

Nate had some news for me when the ortho appointment was over.  Our car's radiator sort of exploded just after he'd gotten home, pouring smelly steamy smokey stuff into the garage.  He ushered the boys inside and told them to go the basement, then hunted down the fire extinguisher.  He ended up just hosing it off, and called a tow truck.

Three expensive things to deal with in one weekend.  Oh the folly of having kids with teeth, and buying a house with a sub-par parking pad, and driving a car.  But, as my dad says, things are rough all over.

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