Tuesday, August 3, 2010

mi hija bonita

Adrienne now has the palatal expander in her mouth.  Her speech is affected by it, but not as much as I was afraid it would be (after reading horror stories on the net).  I have to crank it wider once a day, which causes her some discomfort.

Yesterday was Nate's birthday.  Due to limited options, he got a pre-decorated butterfly & flowers cookie cake that we had to neutralize with a little masculinity.  Who else can boast of having a hermaphrodite cake on their b-day?


Chris said...

How long does she have to wear that thing?

Mary said...

6-8 months and then a retainer. It doesn't hurt too much any more when I crank it - once the plates/bones or whatever separate and start moving I guess you get used to it.

Nate said...

Just another example of a medieval torture device with a practical use today.