Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tree Day '09

Got our Christmas tree today.  We've incorporated lunch at McDonald's into the "get-the-tree day" tradition.  Michael surprised us again with his crazy appetite.  You wouldn't know it to look at the kid, but man, he can put food away.  A double cheeseburger with fries wasn't enough.  He polished off a chicken sandwich too.  Michael's one of the shortest and scrawniest kids in 5th grade, but surely one of these days he'll start to sprout up.  Anyway, here are pics - two, because the walls are not really as red as the flash suggests, nor does the sans-flash pic do the tree justice.  Try to visualize something in the middle.  It's kind of a cute little cheap $17 tree.

We decorated it with some glittery silver snowflakes that I haven't used in a few years, and now I remember why.  I don't recall wiping them all over my face, but I may as well have.  How the heck??  But, as Demetri Martin says, "glitter is the herpes of craft supplies."

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Just think, the start of never ending teen age hunger is upon you. The days where there is never really full, only less hungry.