Wednesday, May 13, 2009

kids puke too much

That about says it all, doesn't it? Except that I'll go one further and say that Zachary was sick last week and today the older 3 decided it was their turn. It's May for pity's sake. This stuff should not be going around anymore. Parenting sure requires a masochistic trait. We purposely surrounded ourselves with 4 slobbering germ infested little people.
So, switching gears slightly, happy belated Mother's Day to you mom-types. Heh. When I was a kid, I thought it was truly unjust that there wasn't a "Children's Day," and my mom's explanation that "every day is kid's day" never satisfied me. Boy, was I a dolt. Okay, okay...done with that rant. I got some nice chocolate for Mother's Day, and some chocolate cupcakes, and the 'Kissing the Face of God' print that I've posted here before, and my kids are (mostly) healthy and happy and I can't really ask for more.

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