Friday, August 3, 2012

alligator pond

When I was young my little bro and I would jump from couch to chair to table and such, because if you touched the floor the alligators would get you.  I've been wondering if they'll make that an Olympic sport.  During prime time NBC airs the 'normal' event footage, but the daytime coverage has been kinda weird.  If table tennis is an olympic sport, then something like jump roping should be, too.  Maybe on an obstacle course with alligators.

We watched most of the gymnastics.  It was fun to see team USA win gold, but I would have been okay with that poor heartbroken Russian girl winning individual gold.  I think the Russians' movements generally flowed more smoothly.  Less staccato than the American kids. 

Nate is off this week.  We're busy stay-cationing.  No vacay this year, mostly due to all the economy stimulating we've been doing this summer.  For Nate's b-day yesterday we got a new AC.  The previous fix-ups didn't do the trick.  So, we've been checking out some cool local stuff.  Like museums and junk.  Go team twin cities!

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