Saturday, August 25, 2012

1st 5K!

Along with lots of other self loathing folks, I ran in the MN Zoo 5K this morning.  Well, "ran" is misleading...but I jogged it all and was happy with my time.  Never did one before, and was crazy anxious about it all.  When I woke up at 2 a.m. I couldn't get back to sleep.  Glad it's over, and glad I pushed myself.  I'd like to thank Michael for letting me use his iPod, Adrienne for the earbuds, and my left foot for forgiving me so quickly after I made a doofus of myself twisting it in a parking lot last Saturday.
I did not win this bling.  It's Zach's t-ball trophy, which was for participation, so I borrowed it.  Anyway, it's August 25th, and now that the 5K craziness is done we're chilling out and celebrating Adrienne's 11th birthday.  11?  How did that happen?

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Congrats on your first 5k! How awesome that you pushed yourself and did it.