Saturday, August 25, 2012

1st 5K!

Along with lots of other self loathing folks, I ran in the MN Zoo 5K this morning.  Well, "ran" is misleading...but I jogged it all and was happy with my time.  Never did one before, and was crazy anxious about it all.  When I woke up at 2 a.m. I couldn't get back to sleep.  Glad it's over, and glad I pushed myself.  I'd like to thank Michael for letting me use his iPod, Adrienne for the earbuds, and my left foot for forgiving me so quickly after I made a doofus of myself twisting it in a parking lot last Saturday.
I did not win this bling.  It's Zach's t-ball trophy, which was for participation, so I borrowed it.  Anyway, it's August 25th, and now that the 5K craziness is done we're chilling out and celebrating Adrienne's 11th birthday.  11?  How did that happen?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

tuckered out

Funny how everybody's cuter when sleeping.  I know there's snoring and drooling, which aren't too attractive, but Felix hardly ever does either.

Monday, August 6, 2012

aforementioned stay-cation

Some highlights of the stay-cation week!  Exciting.

The Friday preceding, we went to a Twins game with Papa Duane.  They actually won, and afterward there were fireworks.  Nate and Zach disappeared for a while to go exploring.

Did you know Minneapolis was, like, the milling capital of the world for a while?  It does not get cooler than that.  We went to the Mill City Museum on Monday.
Here we are inside.  I guess you can't impress us with a giant wooden grain of wheat.

Wednesday was Walker Art Center day, 'cuz one of the kids wanted to see the big cherry on a spoon thing in the sculpture garden.  Most of the modern art in the museum was just plain whackadoo freaky.  We posed modernly by the spoon art.

Thursday was Get a New AC day, plus Nate's b-day (yay!)...
...and Zach's last day of t-ball for the summer.  Everyone got trophies!

And finally, on Friday we went to Fort Snelling, where the kids learned how to march like the soldiers at the fort did in 1827.

It wasn't all big fun adventures.  Spending half a day on Thursday waiting for the AC guy to come and the rest of it waiting for him to install it and then pony up the cash they wanted wasn't enjoyable.  Neither was my chat with the sales guy for some roofing/siding company.  'Cuz he didn't seem to know that when the homeowner hides behind the bookshelf it means Go Away.  I didn't mean to talk to him, but after he rang the doorbell, he knocked super loud and urgent-like.  Shoot.  You see, when I ran for cover after hearing the ding-dong (or maybe ours dings with no dong?  like ding ding?  gosh I can't recall) I thought I saw a clipboard in his hands.  Sales dude!  I felt confirmed in my choice to hide.  But that follow-up loud knock made me doubt myself.  I thought maybe it really was a neighbor informing me that our house was aflame or whatever.  But I shouldn't have doubted myself.  He was odd straight off and asked me if the USA got any more medals today 'cuz he had seen that the Olympics was on inside.  Hey sicko, don't start off a sales call by admitting you snooped through the window.  So I sent Peeping Tom packing, likely to frighten some other poor homeowner with his obnoxious mega ding dong and Big Knocks.  Hmmf.

Yesterday we went out for supper with my family to celebrate Nate & my dad's b-days and to give a send off to dad and my big bro Andrew, who are flying to Finland this evening for a 10 day exploration of the fatherland.  Pretty cool, and something my dad has wanted to do for a long time.  They're even gonna stay with some distant cousins for around half the time there.

Friday, August 3, 2012

alligator pond

When I was young my little bro and I would jump from couch to chair to table and such, because if you touched the floor the alligators would get you.  I've been wondering if they'll make that an Olympic sport.  During prime time NBC airs the 'normal' event footage, but the daytime coverage has been kinda weird.  If table tennis is an olympic sport, then something like jump roping should be, too.  Maybe on an obstacle course with alligators.

We watched most of the gymnastics.  It was fun to see team USA win gold, but I would have been okay with that poor heartbroken Russian girl winning individual gold.  I think the Russians' movements generally flowed more smoothly.  Less staccato than the American kids. 

Nate is off this week.  We're busy stay-cationing.  No vacay this year, mostly due to all the economy stimulating we've been doing this summer.  For Nate's b-day yesterday we got a new AC.  The previous fix-ups didn't do the trick.  So, we've been checking out some cool local stuff.  Like museums and junk.  Go team twin cities!