Thursday, December 15, 2011

rainy December

Why hasn't the cookie baking bug bit me yet?  Feels like a chore this year.  But I gotta have me some peanut butter Hershey's kiss cookies.  And the weather guy said we have a 60% chance of a brown Christmas.  Last year we had mountains of snow and this year might be drab and dingy.  How about a happy medium? 

Felix has a new favorite nap spot under the tree.  Probably biding his time until he can do his kitty ninja move on Santa. Feed me!  Hi-yah!  I have attacked your leg!
Last night Nicky was Joseph in the little Christmas pageant that the 2nd graders put on during faith enrichment every year.  Kind of cool.  Five years ago Michael was Joseph too.

1 comment:

Alesha said...

Wait, did you say 2nd grade? oi!