Monday, December 12, 2011

happy winter celebration?

It's that cozy time of year.  And I have a super special talent - the ability to pick the check-out lane that will take forever.  Even if it looks the most promising at first, somebody will whip out 298 coupons or have a question that requires a manager or it happens to be the cashier dude's first day.  Nate is good at it too.

Michael has a concert tonight, but it's not a holiday concert.  Weird.  C'mon, I wanna hear them play Christmas music.

This is stupid and scary - the U of M is asking it's employees to use the term 'winter celebration' instead of 'holiday party.'  C'mon, we're not all busting our rear ends shopping, wrapping, baking, decorating, attending mass and driving all over to celebrate Winter with our families.
link to this grinchy censorship story

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