Wednesday, January 13, 2010

As Seen On TV!

I want to preface this with the fact that it wasn't my idea to buy one.  But I didn't protest.  That was one heck of a cold snap we just got out of.  My verdict:  not worth $14.99.  Maybe 3 bucks.  The material is thin and feels like a combination of felt and fleece.  "It's a blanket with sleeves!"  Before the advent of the Snuggie, we just called that a "bath robe".  It has no fasteners in the back, so you can't walk around with it comfortably.  But it does help keep one (or 3 kids) cozy on the couch, especially in our heat-challenged basement.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Don't forget to get one for Bruiser. They make them for pets now too.