Friday, September 12, 2008

Summer '08 in pictures

I'm not ready for fall. Remember how winter had a late surge, and spring was chilly? I didn't get enough summer. Harrumph. I've decided central AC is not all it's cracked up to be. It's better than the alternative - I grew up in an old house without it - but sitting in a cool house from June through August is not really 'experiencing' summer. I missed the breezes through the windows, and I'm sure the kids could do without being barked at for leaving the doors open. And since Nate likes to keep the temp lower than I do, I had to go warm up outside every once in a while just to keep my fingers and toes from freezing and falling off. is a run-down of our summer vacation in photos. Notice miss 'thang Adrienne striking a pose at Pike's Peak bluff in Iowa. Michael looks smashing in his ball hockey get-up. Nate and Adrienne's b-days are in August, and A enjoyed a go-cart ride with Papa Duane on the farm. Nicky and Zach each ham it up for the camera.

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