Monday, September 22, 2008

My baby is one!

We just celebrated Zachary's first birthday! He turned one on Saturday, September 20. Gentle readers (both of you), I suspect you will soon get used to my lamenting the speed of my children's growth and the frantic pace of time. Nowhere is the transformation that time brings more evident than within the first year of a child's life. Zach loves to crawl up the stairs when mommy's not looking. He eats like a little pig, just like his brothers and sister. They love to love on him. He tests the limits of our ear drums with piercing happy squeals. There's nothing like the magic of a new baby - a fresh whole new person who didn't exist before and will never be duplicated. Every curve of his face must be studied, every coo and goo marvelled at. And the magic continues, with every smile and milestone and big baby belch. We love you Zachy!

1 comment:

kelly said...

yay! happy birthday!!!