Monday, August 31, 2015

Little Bro takes a Wife

Almost 7 years ago, when this blog was spankin' fresh and new, I posted that my big bro Andrew married Monica, making our family a bit bigger and much better. On August 15, Chris married his beautiful bride Jenny at the Orthodox Cathedral in Minneapolis...

Special moment alert! My handsome firstborn ushered me into the church. He took his ushering duties very seriously.

Sadly, my mom was unable to attend the ceremony, having just gotten out of the hospital after a nearly week-long stay to treat a pulmonary embolism (scary as heck!). She has recovered to a mostly normal state now. So here's Jenny and Chris with dad...

Not sure how, but my lucky bros and I all managed to marry up. It is wonderful to welcome Jenny into our family. Isn't the church lovely? It had just been repainted and renovated.

Rounding out August, Adrienne turned 14 a few days ago...yikes! She'll be a freshman this year. Like last year, she picked out most of her gifts herself at the mall. Some make-up, hair junk, and clothes, including t-shirts for Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco. We redid her bedroom earlier this summer by way of a fresh coat of paint and new furniture. She was tired of the pale pink walls, so it's now a bluish-purple room with a white daybed and dresser. Fancy schmancy!

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