Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lent lessons

We've imposed a No Sugar Cereals rule on the kids for lent.  Lots of families do that year round anyway, of course, but we like our Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch around here.  The kids have had to tolerate speeches about the people who don't have enough to eat, period, much less their fav cereal in the cupboard every morning.  Nate came up with another idea for them during their bedtime prayers, too.  They each have to say one positive thing about the other.  It's kinda funny listening to their compliments.  "What I like about Michael is that, uh...umm...he was not mean to me today."  But it's been cool seeing how insightful they are about each other.  And they've learned to be more conscious of their positive interactions during the day so they can remember to mention them at bedtime.

We had a snow day yesterday.  I think it's been 3 years since the last one.  I had to console Nicky, who was actually bummed out because he had a Scholastic book order due to arrive yesterday.  We hung out and watched Jurassic Park.  In realizing it came out almost 20 years ago, I felt rather old.  Kids born in '93 are in college for Pete's sake.  Back in my day we had animatronic dinosaurs in movies, and CGI was yet to be overused.  And we walked 3 miles uphill both ways to the theater.

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