Friday, October 5, 2012

Okra is slimy

Disclaimer:  you probably shouldn't read this post before eating.  That's probably a good rule of thumb for my whole blog, actually.  Recently I bought a new veggie to try out.  Maybe I'm sheltered, but I had no experience with okra before today.  Turns out it emits some kind of snotty substance as it cooks.  We all managed to choke some down somehow.  It doesn't have a strong or offensive flavor per se, but it gets negative points for presentation.  Poor Nicky sat at the table the longest.  His attempt to eat one stinking piece provided some good video footage.
This is not my photo of okra
It reminded me of the one time my mom decided to make split pea soup when I was a kid.  Chris and I came to the table and thought it was some bizarre joke.  It was not.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Okra was made to be pickled or fried.