Monday, October 1, 2012

"I mean, if we only had a wheelbarrow, that would be something!"

That was one heck of a gorgeous fall weekend.  Snapped a photo of this wheelbarrow my multi-talented hubby made me this summer.  Now if we can lay our hands on a giant and a holocaust cloak, we're all set to storm the castle.  If we can find a castle to storm.  Maybe Nate can build me one, after he finishes the wooden bench he's making for the entryway.
Blogger doesn't like my use of multi-talented.  It suggests mulch-talented, mufti-talented (what the sam hill are those?), and multifaceted.  Removing the hyphen or space doesn't help.  Strange.  After computers take over the world it'll be fun to hear them talk to each other.  If they haven't done away with us organic critters, that is.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Well, why didn't you list that with our assets in the first place?