Monday, July 16, 2012

You Can't Go Home Again or watch 80's movies

We recently watched E.T. and Flight of the Navigator with the kids.  Thought we'd introduce them to some of The Classics of our childhood.  It was a little weird to see them again.  Maybe it would have been better not to, as some of the magic of what you thought you remembered about them gets flushed down the toilet.  Actually, I didn't even see E.T. till high school Spanish class, 'cuz there are naughty words in it.  "E.T. telefono mi casa!"  But anyway, all I have to say is special effects and synthesizer and I'm sure we're simpatico.  At least The Princess Bride still holds up well.  Speaking of, a while back the yahoos at youtube took down our Little Princess Bride video for copyright infringement or whatever.  Lame.

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