Tuesday, July 24, 2012

mowed over in the greek yogurt aisle

I've been trying to eat healthier lately.  More fruits and veggies, less processed carbs...it's not fun.  Never been a yogurt eater, but this greek stuff is tolerable.  You gotta be on your toes when you buy it, though.  I thought I'd read some labels the first time I got some, but hoards of women with flailing arms swarmed in from both sides and snatched them away greedily.  So I scooped some into the cart and ran away.  I keep hearing that a cup or two of coffee helps prevent lots of icky conditions, so how hard is it to start a coffee habit?  And wine in moderation is a friend of the circulatory system, so I could try to drink more than 4 or 5 glasses a year.  I'd rather drink pop and eat donuts, though.

Monday, July 16, 2012

You Can't Go Home Again or watch 80's movies

We recently watched E.T. and Flight of the Navigator with the kids.  Thought we'd introduce them to some of The Classics of our childhood.  It was a little weird to see them again.  Maybe it would have been better not to, as some of the magic of what you thought you remembered about them gets flushed down the toilet.  Actually, I didn't even see E.T. till high school Spanish class, 'cuz there are naughty words in it.  "E.T. telefono mi casa!"  But anyway, all I have to say is special effects and synthesizer and I'm sure we're simpatico.  At least The Princess Bride still holds up well.  Speaking of, a while back the yahoos at youtube took down our Little Princess Bride video for copyright infringement or whatever.  Lame.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Keep Off The Fish!

What a steamy week.  Feels like you're wearing a wet suit 5 seconds after walking outside.  Blech. 

Anyhoo, we had a nice impromptu visit to Iowa over the weekend to check up on Nate's mom & grandma who are recovering from surgeries.  They are tough ladies!  The kids are getting old enough to play some fun card games with the family.  Once the go karts are out of gas, anyway.

Sunday afternoon Nate & I drove up to the Mille Lacs Lake area again.  I blogged about a previous trip there, back in June of '09.  Even up in north central MN it was too hot to go hike in the state park and revisit our old buddy the tower-of-chicken-wire, but we did drive a bit further north to see the big Garrison walleye.   

We drove by it many times while I was growing up, and we never got out to snap photos.  But hey, that was the pre-blogging and facebook era.  No one can resist the urge to photograph a 15-foot fiberglass fish now.
They even have a bossy little sign on it-
I like how they specify that you mustn't harass the fish, including the fins, tail, and mouth.  'Cuz before I read the fine print, I was all set to dangle from it's teeth.  I had to settle for gently touching the tail.

Happy 4th to ya'll.  Don't blow off any digits.