Monday, May 7, 2012

I'm Gumby, Dabbt!

"Dabbt wants to follow a recipe that needs 1 cup of milk."

Nicky's math worksheets have word problems with weird (er, I & ethnic) names in them.  Of the ones I've seen, Dabbt probably takes the cake.  I get it, they gotta use names from various cultures and stuff.  It's only fair.  People in, like, Mongolia do math too.  But it feels like they're trying a bit too hard sometimes.  So what the sam hill kind of name is Dabbt?  Google is not super helpful.  Did you mean debt?  No.  Or dabt either, which is an acronym for a few things:
DABTDiplomate of the American Board of Toxicology
DABTDivision of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (Florida)
DABTDaam Aatu Basaltic Tuff (geology)

Maybe somebody at Houghton Mifflin made it up, or one of the kooky people who name race horses or paint colors.

Anyhoo, it's concert season and Michael had a jazz band concert last week.  I have no suitable images of that.  Adrienne had her first official band concert too.  And Nicky had a piece in the district art show, a weaving.  He had me fix the fringe after I snapped this photo.

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