Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kyrie Eleison

Lord have mercy.  It's official.  Michael is a teenager today.  He's been morphing into one for several months, though.  To go along with his changing appearance, he frequently cops a teenager 'tude.  This is our conversation when he comes home from school:

"Hi Michael."  Silence.  "How was your day?"  "(unintelligible grunt)."  "How was jazz band (or the math test, etc.)?"  "Fiiiine."

Every single day.  No exaggeration.  Buuut, we signed up for this.  He was such a cute little bologna loaf in the hospital bassinet.  Maybe I'm nuts, but I've always looked forward to the kids' teenage years - to watch them mature and discover their individuality and talents.  What a cool gift.

Happy 13th birthday Monkey!  We love you!

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