Wednesday, March 21, 2012

berserk birds

Still waiting for the darn poinsettia to die.  We're more than halfway through Lent, for Pete's sake.  I'm tired of (barely) nurturing it.  Figures, 'cuz if I actually try to keep a plant alive?  Yep, deadsville...via drowning or crispy crinkledom.

So spring sprung.  Birds are chirping madly.  70's and even some 80's in March?  Yes please.  It's nice to be pleasantly surprised when you open the gas bill.  And unless we get a big freak snowfall soon, we've escaped the winter of 2011/12 without a single Big Snow Event in the metro.  The kids have spring break this week, ergo it's rainy and cooler than last week, but we'll take it.  The ducks are back on the pond, the grass is greening up, and it's fun to watch Felix catch and eat the pesky boxelder bugs scampering around the house.

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