Friday, July 22, 2011

holy heat wave batman

So I could talk about the heat and especially the humidity but I guess I'd be a johnny come lately.  We went to a Twins game on Monday and sat in the nose-bleediest upper row which turned out well 'cuz we were in the shade the whole time.  Discovered that there are still bozos who attempt to yell things to the refs and players from way the heck on the top row.  And since you can't get a Dome Dog at Target Field, they came up with some other un-catchy hot dog name I can't recall.

Haven't mentioned it before, but this summer an annoying, sometimes painful and eventually expensive sort of health-related issue has come to a head.  Not gonna go into details, but no worries - it's minor in the Grand Scheme and all, but it's been enough to make my underlying anxiety boil over a bit.  All while our 2 old vehicles keep getting older and the high cost of gas makes everything else pricey too.  Argh.  And, uh-oh, Christmas is only 5 months away.  There's always something...

Anyhoo, life is still good and Culver's chocolate custard is yummy and Nate and I (nerd alert!) have started watching Star Trek: TNG on Netflix.  Season 1 is a little boring.  Seems the later years are better.
pre-heatwave picnic on the deck

1 comment:

Nick said...

It doesn't start getting into a rhythm until about season #3. And starts trailing off at season #6. So you have 3 really good seasons to look forward to.