Thursday, June 23, 2011

this pottymouth made my day

Somebody linked to this on a Catholic message board I read sometimes. Warning to the sensitive types - there's some naughty words.  Have I piqued your curiosity yet?

And that's why you should learn to pick your battles

(note to Nate - don't worry, I'm content with my small metal goat and flying pig)

Monday, June 20, 2011

celebrations galore

Saturday was my parent's 45th anniversary.  Congrats mom & dad!  We spent the day in Waconia doing some landscaping in their backyard and grilled for supper.  The weather didn't completely cooperate but we got as much done as we could w/the materials we had.  I was a dope and forgot to take a real 'before' picture. 
That evening we caught some parade action with the Lake Waconia Band Festival.  Before it started (near my parents' home) Adrienne was asked to help out.  Seems one girl was a no-show so they needed another to help carry one of several banners for sponsors of the event.  She was psyched, so we let her go "march" a mile in flip flops.  She liked it, especially the free food they gave her at the end.  She's the shorty on the right.
Happy Father's Day to Nate and our dads Howard & Duane and all y'all dads. 

This was a big weekend for (Nate's bro) Erik and Kim.  They brought Josilan home from Ethiopia to join siblings Ethan, Megan, & Teegan, forming their forever family of 6.  She's massively cute and we can't wait to meet our new niece in a few weeks!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June so far

Today Adrienne has her first clarinet lesson.  She's excited to finally be able to assemble it and start playing.  We'll see how long the excitement lasts.  I'll settle for not putting up too much of a fuss when it's time to practice.  About that talent show last week - she said it "went well but I was nervous."  I'd have been way more than nervous singing for 113 kids.  Super job, A!

Michael is getting ready to head to Iowa this week and later embark on an adventure to the Grand Canyon with Nana & Papa and his cousin Isaac - a very cool opportunity that he's been looking forward to for a looong time!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

winding down

Thursday is the last day of school, if you can even call it that - the kids seem to be going on field trips and to the park and watching movies every day this week.  A few weeks ago, Adrienne came home and announced she'd signed up to sing a song in the 4th grade talent show (tomorrow, June 8).  Madonna's "La Isla Bonita."  Who is this kid?  Maybe I brought the wrong bundle of pinkness home from the hospital almost ten years ago.  I didn't know she knew and liked any Madonna songs or was gutsy enough to voluntarily perform for 100+ kids.  Turns out one of the neighbor girls she plays with has been a musical influence on her.  Anyway, more power to her.  Carpe diem.  I won't be able to see her do it, though, as it's a kids only event.  That may be best for my nerves.

I guess it was 103 degrees today.  Ahhh, I like me some melty heat after a ridiculous winter and spring.