Monday, March 14, 2011

a b-day weekend

The kids had Friday off for a teacher workshop day or whatever they call it, so we hung out at MoA for Nicky's birthday.  But first I'll post a pick of Adrienne, who's 4th grade class had their "wax museum" presentation on Thursday before break.  They all dressed up as an important person in history and memorized a small speech.  The parents wandered around pushing kids' "buttons" to start their speeches.  Adrienne picked Harriet Tubman. 
It was kind of neat.  Einstein and George Washington had cool wigs.  But for the most part, I don't think the kids wanted you to pick them.  Especially the kid who mouthed "don't pick me don't pick me" as I walked by. 

So anyway, we milled around Legoland and Nick Universe for a while on Friday.  Michael was pretty smitten with the whole Lego scene.

I like Zach's goofy mouth.

We bought some of those darn expensive points to go on rides.  Nicky was all gung-ho and went on this mini version of Power Tower, got freaked out, and didn't go on any more.

Zach and A really liked the kid coaster:

Nicky chose Slime Cake for his birthday treat on Saturday.

Kid #3 is 7 years old...yowsa.

And finally, had to post this pick of Zach.  The goober slept in this morning and when I ran upstairs to check on him at about 8:15, I freaked out for a second 'cuz I didn't see him.  Then I saw the 'lil feet.

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