Monday, May 24, 2010

comings and goings

We got to meet our new niece, the delicious and easy-going Evelyn on Saturday afternoon.  Later, we went to the high school grad party for this young man, our handsome accomplished eldest nephew.  Congrats, Kyle!
LOST graduated from prime time TV last night with the finale.  I enjoyed its six-year run, but I won't miss it.  Too many questions.  All that time spent learning about the 'Tailies' in the second season (who all died off), and The Others, and the Dharma Initiative seems kind of wasted.  I thought this last season was sometimes a bit boring, perhaps because I like the ensemble episodes, and there were several recent eps where we'd see only a handful of the cast.  Some of the couplings were wrong in the end, too, darnit.  I could say a million more little things, but...meh.  It's done.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

An ugly sound

Let's just say Michael is no longer allowed to practice trombone near any windows.  I much prefer the sound of a sharp note to shattering glass.

Monday, May 17, 2010

projects and play dates

It was nice to get out of that cold, rainy slump and into some great weather this weekend.  Lots of pictures here to show just how we spent our time and way too much money these past few days.
 We decided to blow this year's tax refund on a new concrete patio and basement level patio door. 
The contractor still needs to finish up a few loose ends, but we're pleased with how things have turned out so far.  FYI, that's blue tape, not a weird decorative choice.
Ta-da!  A slab of concrete.  Nate did the landscaping in front.
Nicky's Kindergarten program was on Friday.  A year ago, he didn't want to sing or do any of the motions to the songs in his preschool program, but he was all over it this year.  Here he's singing into his 'microphone' thumb (notice the slackers around him).
Monkeys have opposable toes, right?  Otherwise he'd qualify.
The effects of a playdate on an 8 year old girl's finger & toe nails.
Safety first.  
Flower planting time.  Petunias are my hard-to-kill staple in the sunny front of the house, but now with the back patio I get to try to keep impatiens and pansies alive.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

why I'm a mom

Why become a mother?  Clearly, to score some cards and crafty gifts from the kids every year on Mother's Day.  Well, that, and to share my house with this bunch of occasionally grouchy, hilarious, smelly, smart, goofy, cute, affectionate, and energetic people.  Sunday was a nice day.  We had brunch at church, then meandered around Bachman's for a while, and later we went on a family bike ride - our first official one as a family of six.  Nate and I recently caved and bought new adult bikes after giving up on finding decent ones at garage sales. 

Last week, Michael had his 5th grade spring band concert.  He looked all grown up in his white dress shirt and black pants.  It's still a tough stretch for his arm to reach the notes at the end of the slide, though.  But he'll grow into it eventually.
Also, remember this freaky thing?  The 5th graders worked on their masks for several months and Michael just brought the finished product home.
I guess it'll help decorate his room now.  Or he can wear it to a Mardi Gras parade.  Or to look in the neighbors' windows at night.

Monday, May 3, 2010

future band geek

Michael did get into the band festival that I mentioned a few months ago.  It was on Saturday way down in Austin.  Not in a central location of the southeast region, no, that would make too much sense.  But it was close enough for Papa Duane the Iowa grandpa to come see the little concert, so it's okay.
Michael seemed to enjoy himself.  Hard to believe it was only a year ago that he chose his instrument.  The band sounded pretty good for a bunch of kids that have played for less than a year and had just a few hours to learn new material.