Monday, April 19, 2010

Turtle Power!

Now that the bullhead carcasses have disappeared and the stench of dead rotting fish is gone, it is once again pleasant to live by a pond.  The thicker ice & snow pack of this past winter suffocated more of the poor buggers than usual.  This turtle was creeping around our yard last week.
We also enjoy seeing herons, egrets, lots of ducks, and a muskrat or two.  The frogs are really loud in June.  The ducks get all the stale bread during the summer and it's fun to see what else they'll eat.  They ingest all manner of cereals & crackers, but, say, gummi bears?  Not so much.  They 'chew' on them for a while before spitting them out.  Good entertainment.
This poor guy crawled back into a pond full of pop cans and water bottles and other random junk.  Need to get out the waders for the annual clean-up.


Nate said...

With all the chemicals in the pond, and being near a family of ninjas like us, do you think there is any chance he could be come a teenage mutant ninja turtle?

Mary said...

Yeah, and he'll need a rodent mentor, so the muskrat can mutate into that rat character who's name escapes me...