Friday, January 23, 2009

A decade of marriage

In 1997 I was lucky enough to meet the one guy who was willing to be shackled to me for the rest of his life. Nate and I got married ten years ago today. In this installment, you will have to permit me to veer into a sentimental realm, an area in which I am not particularly comfortable. I am thankful for my better half, and I hope we will be blessed with several more decades to journey through together. I am thankful for our parents' example of faithful Christian marriage. I am thankful for having married into a wonderful family. I am thankful that my husband loves me despite knowing me so well. I am thankful for his intelligence, how he has provided for our family, and for our shared sense of humor. I am thankful for our four naughty, delicious children. Happy Anniversary Nate - I love you!

p.s. Wikipedia says the 10th is the Tin/Aluminum anniversary. How underwhelming is that?


kelly said...

Happy Anniversary!!! It was cool hanging out with you guys this week :-)

Mary said...

Thanks! We enjoyed having you over. Hopefully you weren't scared off by Adrienne's comment when the kids were playing with lincoln logs. We've never started recreational fires indoors, I promise!