Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas trees and Monster Jam rallies

On Saturday we bundled the kids up and headed out to cut down our Christmas tree at a local nursery. It's kind of weird that one of the traditions of the season involves everyone grabbing a hacksaw when they walk into a public place. Actually, I’m not sure if it was a hacksaw, cuz I’m a chick and I don’t know my saws. Don’t care enough to google it either. Anyway, I snapped before and after shots for posterity, and for my loyal readers.

Later that night, Nate took Michael and Nicky to a Monster Jam rally. I meant to insist that Nate take the camera and get a few good shots, but I forgot. I'm bummed. I can hardly think of anything more blog-able than a Monster Jam truck show. Never fear, I'll post a stock photo of Grave Digger:

Apparently this big bad truck is a wimp. He lost a tire at one point, and the engine would cut sometimes after landing a jump. Probably some sort of safety mechanism. Loser.


kelly said...

Hey I really like your red walls.

And your tree.

And, um, the truck?

Chris said...

Well at least now i have gift ideas for Nate, Michael and Nicky. Cowboy hats, boots, and monster truck belt buckles. Oh and i'll be expecting a mullet on Nate, and rat tails for the boys.

Mary said...

Yeah, we like the red walls too, though they were red when we moved here so we can only take credit for leaving 'em that way.

And Chris, I think Nate is more of the green mohawk type than the mullet type.