Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween '08

Last week before carving pumpkins Michael asked "Can we use latex gloves so we don't get that stuff all over our hands?" Heh. I think he has a thing for rubber gloves - last year he snuck a pair to school and wore them in class. We found out about it in conferences. He wrote all over them with marker and when the teacher asked him to take them off, he said "But I like them." Finally she threw them away, which Michael later described in his social skills journal as a time when he was disappointed in his teacher.

Back to Halloween - we had a genuine scare when we lost Nicky while trick-or-treating. We went with the neighbors and their 5 kids and together they all ran to and fro a bit too quickly for our eyes to track. Luckily we hadn't yet turned any corners and we found Nicky heading straight down the street towards home.

As you can see in the pictures, we have Adrienne as a princess (3rd year in a row), Zach the tiger, Nicky as Anakin Skywalker, and doctor Michael.

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