Tuesday, June 4, 2013

wrappin' up the school year

Saw this blog post linked to elsewhere on the web.  It's about slumming it at the end of the school year, and man, I can relate.  Except I wish I was sane enough to start letting things slide during the last month or so.  I keep those logs and planners checked and signed down to the bitter end.  I make sure the kids' assignments are all turned in, because these days you're supposed to log into the parent portal and keep on top of your kids for every bleedin' little thing.  And I'm neurotic enough to play along.  But it's almost over!  Zach has been done with preschool for a week and a half, today is Nicky's last day, and Thursday is the last day for our middle-schoolers.  Yes!!  Now if only the weather would cooperate so it would actually feel like June.  This dreary chilly holy cow what's that bright orb in the sky! stuff is beyond old now.  C'mon, 95 degrees and humid, let's go!  Yeah, yeah, but I'd rather whine that it's too hot than too cold.

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