Thursday, September 6, 2012

Two middle schoolers!

Tuesday was the first day of school.  This year's Thing that makes Nate and I feel old is having two kids in middle school, 8th & 6th grades respectively.  Eesh.  First day jitters made Michael and Adrienne robotically follow my command to put their arms around each other for this photo.  Nothing I say can make Michael smile naturally on command, though.
Nicky's in 3rd grade and is the only one in elementary school this year.
One more year of preschool for Zach, since he turns 5 later this month.  He goes Weds. & Fri.

We've been to a handful of open houses and parent teacher nights and what not.  I like our district.  They make no bones about enforcing a dress code at the middle school.  One of Michael's teachers told everyone that no spaghetti string tank tops or low cut tops are allowed for girls, and that boys need to keep their pants up, because "we don't get paid enough to see your underpants."   Heh.

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