Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Been a crazy week.  The kids spent this past weekend in Waconia so Nate and I could paint the living room and hallway.  The previous weekend we were back in Iowa to celebrate my mom-in-law's 70th b-day.  Happy birthday Doreen!
The cousins had lots more fun together.  You don't see many of these spinny thingamajigs at parks anymore.  The older cousins got to stay at Nana and Papa's farm for a few days afterward and wear out the go-karts.
The painting project is still not complete.  It was tough covering the dark red walls.  Had to do 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of paint.  We liked the red but were ready for a change.  The other features 'pop' better now that they're not outdone by the shazam! red walls.  There will be 3 different colors when we're done - the hallway is a shade lighter and there'll be an accent wall here and there.  Golly, we've seen too much HGTV.

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