Monday, October 11, 2010

Indian summer

Or is it Native American summer?  American Indian summer?  Either way, it's been gorgeous lately.  Weird, though, too, to smell the leafy fall goodness when the temps are over 80.  I'm a little worried our pumpkins will rot.
Saturday we went to Red Wing.   Four years ago we climbed Barn Bluff for the 1st time, and since the weather was great we decided it was time to try again.  The kids thought it was a hideous idea that would take forever, but the hike up and back was only about an hour and 15 minutes.

The hiiiills are aliiiiive....

This year we sprung for the 'Giant Ultimate' chocolate-pecan-caramel covered apple at the outdoor art-fair thingy.  I blogged about our discovery of these beasts last year.
This pic gives me a thrilling idea for a whole new blog - Cross sections of foodstuffs.  Somebody probably beat me to it, though.

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