So, I guess the new TF sequel is out. Sounds like the reviews aren't too great. When I saw the first one in the theater 2 years ago, I was bored silly. But, I think that was due in large part to being 7 months preggo with Zach and darned uncomfy. When it came out on DVD and I could watch it in our own home without a bowling ball in my stomach, it improved on me.
Nate sent me a CNN article in which one reviewer's quote is it's "Like watching paint dry while getting hit over the head with a frying pan." Reading between the lines, I suspect he didn't care for it, and I'll go in with low expectations. see article here
I have a hard time believing it's as bad as the critics say it is. I thought the first one was entertaining in a 'switch off your brain and enjoy' sort of way. Wayne saw it and couldn't stop raving about how awesome it was, and how much better than the first one it was. Although most of wayne's favorite movies involve Bruce Willis.. so who knows.
Haven't seen the movie yet, but read this article.
Just goes to show that Hollywood critics and moviegoers aren't on the same page.
Mary and I saw the movie on Friday. My opinion is that it could have been better. Given that it is based on 80's kids toys, I would hope it to be geared either towards kids, families or to 30 somethings. Instead, it was geared towards 15-18 year old boys given its language and such. The first movie had a couple scenes like that, but at least one could mute or jump forward briefly to skip it easily. This isn't one I'd feel comfortable letting Michael watch. That said, it was nice to see some of the Transformer saga elements in there such as the Matrix of Leadership, robots combining together, and Jetfire being a Decepticon turned good (I just wish those were included in a better done film).
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