Bruiser: too long have we endured the loathsome antics of this perverse creature.
Knock over he does, his full container of kitty food all over the laundry room floor.
A scavenger, he stealthily glides through the house looking for crumbs to ingest, then seeks out carpeted floor upon which to ralph up his ill-gotten gains.
This week

I happened upon him a few weeks ago, repeatedly dipping his paw into the toilet and licking off the water. I was disturbed, yet impressed. Such a feat requires a minimal amount of intelligence that I had heretofore not assigned to him. Later, I discovered him swishing his paw around in the water glass I leave by the sink. My water glass. That I drink out of. Not impressed, only disturbed.
He always finds his way onto my lap before I realize I'm wearing the cat hair-magnet pants.
Last on this ever-growing list of grudges is his propensity to "meow" violently, and so very often.

1 comment:
Yup, yet for some reason, we keep them. Emmitt's list also includes knocking things off of the dresser in an attempt to wake me up to feed him, and banging on bi-fold closet doors or pulling up carpet from in front of them, in an attempt to get me up to feed him. We also have to baby gate the closet the food bins are kept in, otherwise he opens that bi-fold door in an attempt to feed himself what ever he can get into....ah, the life of a cat.
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