So Kelly says I gotta blog 6 things that make me happy. I've had some ideas festering in my head for a few days. I decided it's too much mental work to come up with the absolute top 6, so here are some of my random occasions of felicity, in no particular order.
normalcy - this turned out to be an exercise in blessing-counting. I'm glad to get through the day without any catastrophes.
date nights with my hubby - way too rare.
sweets consumption - probably seems frivolous, but so be it.
trips around the country or in the backyard - I'm not well traveled, so even small trips to conventional destinations are exciting. Think the Black Hills, Chicago, St. Louis, the Mall of America...
baby smiles - 'nuff said.
that one commercial with the runaway shopping cart - I don't remember what was actually advertised. For some reason I got a kick out of that silly cart rolling all around town.
My wish is your command, right? You should take a small trip to the conventional destination of....Rochester ;-)
Yes ma'am. Well, the topic seemed apropos given the time of year, and all. Almost as much as Monster Jam truck shows.
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