Wednesday, March 16, 2016

golden b-day boy

Nicky is getting to that pre-teen stage of spending more time in his room and has more occasional sullenness in his 'tude. He just turned 12 and wanted cheesecake for his birthday. Mmmm.

This pic is from January after a concert. We got rid of the old baby grand and reworked the living room arrangement since then. Thank goodness the piano stayed in one piece long enough to get it off our hands. Well, I mean the movers had to take off the legs and such, but at least the soundboard didn't fall out or anything while in transit.

He wasn't quite sure what he wanted, but decided he was "okay" with getting an iPod for his 12th b-day like his siblings before him. Ho-hum. I think I got shampoo on my birthdays. Kids these days. Oh yeah, new glasses recently too.

Skippy getting cuddly wuddly during present opening

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Learn the Animal Kingdom

Is the snake danger noodle wearing a top hat? That makes no sense. But everything else does.
  Sea Flap Flap! Trash Panda! :D: