Friday, January 8, 2016

new shower fresh 2016

The holidays have come and gone. December was warm and rainy and occasionally even smelled like spring, so it was hard to get in the Christmasy mood.

Christmas Eve at home, after the 4:00 mass where Michael played in a brass ensemble again, and after our feast of ham and mashed potatoes *not* made from dehydrated flakes, woo hoo!

Adrienne was happy to get some clothes and a kohl's card to buy more clothes and cash for likely more clothes...

Nicky on the other hand made no attempt to disguise his displeasure at receiving a flannel shirt.

This one just cracks me up. One of the "off list" things we got Zach was a book light, 'cuz he likes to read before bed. But he didn't know what the blazes it was at first.

No need to feign excitement here; the boys were glad to finally get Mario Maker.

Skippy came with to Waconia and made himself cozy under Grandma Elaine's blanket...

And Duane and Doreen got this cool gift of a framed photo of the whole family in Branson last summer, where we celebrated their 50th anniversary. Nate's brother Erik made it with wood from the barn on their farm.

Happy 2016!