Monday, October 19, 2015

fall goin' ons

Zach turned 8 last month. Makes me feel old that my baby is in second grade. As do my sore knees and the gray hairs I keep finding. Here he is, bein' a goofball before opening his gifts...

Ooo, more fodder for the storm drain...

And when asked to pose for one last picture...

Michael and Adrienne wrap up the 2015 marching band season pretty soon. We went to the last home football game recently to catch their final halftime field show.

Won't miss dragging them back and forth to all those practices, but it is definitely satisfying to see the kids perform. There's a special sort of tear-inducing wistful proud nausea that grips parents at these sorts of things. Or maybe that's just me.

And one last one...a Skippy close-up.