Friday, November 14, 2014

Zach's religious art

Zach made this in faith formation the other night. I don't think we've got a future Michelangelo on our hands, but he's got the basic idea down. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween '14

Skippy wasn't over fond of his sombrero...

We had an unintentional theme of white costumes this year.  Zach the ghost, Adri the Easter Bunny, and mummy Nicky.

And one more, with Michael in it, even though he didn't get in on the fun.

The mummy costume only lasted about a block.  It unraveled and poor Nicky waddled up to a few houses with his feet pretty much tied together.  Had to make an emergency run home for Dracula's cape instead.

Since Skippy was a big old party pooper about his $1.99 doggy sombrero, we used it elsewhere.

Adrienne had the biggest haul this year, probably her last one trick-or-treating.  She was embarrassed when some of her classmates in the neighborhood answered the door to hand out treats.  Just so hard to say good bye to that lovely assortment of free candy...