Wednesday, August 27, 2014

2 teens!

Adrienne turned 13 this week, so we've got two teenagers in the house now.  Her present was cold hard cash that she spent at the mall with a friend.  The girls flitted from store to store while I tried to keep up.  The hat is from Claire's, where they went twice, cuz once was not enough for their overpriced junk charming accessories. 

I remember my 13th birthday well.  My hamster died, and I was crushed.  Nobody loved any rodent more than I loved Ginger.  Anywaaay...Adrienne truly enjoyed her special day, and Nana and Papa were up here a few days to help celebrate, too.  Now, on to school next week...

Monday, August 18, 2014

He didn't want to wear the hat

"It's a shako, mom."  Yeah, yeah.  I suppose they have funny names for every little thing.  Got the marching band pics back tonight.  They've been practicing hard all summer and will perform their program for the first time at the home opener next week.  Moo!  I mean, Roar!  Go Tigers!  It's just that the high school is basically in the middle of a cow pasture, and the noxious air is stifling.  Maybe the away team will pass out.  We switched to a big tough conference this year, so we can use all the help we can get.