Tuesday, July 8, 2014

northern MN getaway

We had a little family getaway to the Iron Range last week.  We toured a couple museums and mining sites in the Chisholm and Hibbing area.  It's pretty up there, but the Minnesota state bird (yeah, the mosquito) proliferates in the shade of all those trees.

The Hull-Rust-Mahoning Open Pit Iron Mine

On Saturday we drove about an hour south to the area in north central MN that my dad hails from.  We visited my grandparent's graves, and then went to an extended family reunion where I met some second cousins who share the great-grandparents who are also buried in the small cemetery with my grandparents.

The last of my grandparents passed away almost 30 years ago.  I'm so glad my kids are growing up with the blessing of grandparents in their lives!