Tuesday, May 27, 2014

M.Div. in the family

My fantastic mother-in-law graduated from Bethel University with a Masters of Divinity over the holiday weekend.  Congratulations Doreen!  We love you and are very proud of you.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

high standard of living, except for the flippin' cold

As much as upper mid-westerners kvetch and moan about the weather (and justifiably so, after that ridiculously cold, long winter), it seems we may otherwise be satisfied enough to continue to make a life here.  Something funky happening in Illinois though, cuz they all want to leave. 

This graph and an article are found at gallup.com

This past winter I was wishing that our forebears hadn't settled in MN and IA, however.  I love hot weather.  And water.  Why couldn't my great grandparents have immigrated to SoCal?  But if we were to move far enough away to escape snow and ice, we'd be too far from our families, so...we'll just keep whining about the weather.