Thursday, December 20, 2012

a present for next year

Set to release exactly one year from today:
Anchorman 2 releases Dec. 20, 2013 with the reported bonus of Kristen Wiig involvement.  Of course, that's if Dec. 20, 2013 isn't the one year anniversary of the last full day the world existed.

Now if they'd only make another Anne of Green Gables movie next year...

Monday, December 10, 2012

return of the weather geek

We got about 10" of snow this weekend.  Other parts of the metro got around a foot.  The kids and neighbor kids all descended on the snow pile in the cul-de-sac after the plow went through.
I think all four kids have used the circa 1975 snowsuit that Zach's wearing.  He's getting too tall for it now...sniff.  So if the weather talking heads know their stuff, this is the most snow in a one-time event that we've had in almost 2 years.  During last year's wimpy winter season, our biggest total was around 4 inches.

Also spent time this weekend trying to get a family photo for the Christmas card.  Though we set the camera to take seven pics at a time and took almost 100 photos total, we still had precious few to choose from.  I do admit to having the lofty goals of everyone looking at the camera and having at least a non-menacing facial expression.  Here's one we didn't use:
Zach and Nicky were the biggest offenders.  And the dang cat wandered into this one.  Yeah, "Merry Christmas from all of us and Felix's rear end".  Zach looked like this for a whole series of 7 shots:
And poor Michael came pretty close to breaking my Non-Menacing Look rule.  He bared all his teeth in every photo.  One could imagine him growling or howling at the moon afterward.